スタッフ紹介 / STAFF
五十嵐 敏雄 教授
Toshio Igarashi, MD.PhD. Full Professor
Strengths and Staff of Our Hospital
Thank you for visiting Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center Obstetrics and Gynecology website.
Our department takes pride in providing advanced medical care in various fields of obstetrics and gynecology for the residents of Chiba Prefecture, including laparoscopic surgery, malignant tumor surgery, reproductive medicine, and perinatal emergency care. I am committed to maintaining and further developing this level of care, to provide safe and satisfactory medical services to everyone. To achieve this, I am dedicated to improving my own skills and also to educating our young staff, who are renewed every year, as I believe it is crucial to maintain a high level of medical care in obstetrics and gynecology. I am confident that by providing clear explanations and safe, advanced medical care, our entire staff can contribute to regional healthcare.
My areas of expertise are endometriosis, infertility, and laparoscopic surgery. I am dedicated to maintaining high-level and safe medical care in these fields, and to contributing to daily clinical practice through clinical and basic research. Although our hospital does not perform in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, I aim to properly understand the issues related to infertility and endometriosis, and to provide meticulous medical care that leads to early pregnancy and pain reduction for everyone, by applying thoughtful considerations and innovations to surgical and medicinal treatments.
Obstetrics and gynecology is a unique medical specialty as it not only deals with tumors and other conditions, but also involves reproductive phenomena such as pregnancy and childbirth experienced by women. Every time I am present at the moment of childbirth, I am still moved and I feel the magnificence and the weight of responsibility in the work of obstetrics and gynecology every day. As a university hospital, I am keen to convey the appeal of obstetrics and gynecology to our students through practical training and lectures, hoping to nurture as many future obstetricians and gynecologists as possible. Fortunately, our department has had a relatively high number of Teikyo University graduates join us to date. Continuing this tradition, I believe that making our facility satisfying not only for patients but also for doctors and staff will contribute to future regional medical care.
足立 克之 准教授
Katsuyuki Adachi, MD.PhD. Associate professor
ご挨拶 ~婦人科悪性腫瘍専門医・指導医の立場から
Since my appointment to this hospital in April 2020, three and a half years have passed. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there haven’t been many opportunities to greet our colleagues and patients in person. However, I feel that I have gradually become recognized by the community and am contributing to local healthcare. My specialty is in gynecologic cancers (malignant tumors), and I am responsible for treating patients with gynecologic cancer at our hospital. I spent three years until March 2020 at the Saitama Cancer Center, and the previous three and a half years at the University of Tokyo Hospital, treating patients. These past few years have been a time of great anxiety for cancer patients due to the spread of the coronavirus. However, cancer does not wait. We were able to continue our usual medical care while taking adequate infection control measures, and this was possible thanks to the cooperation of the gynecologic cancer treatment team and our patients. What we consider now is that by saying, ‘You are in good hands now,’ we can reduce the anxiety of our patients, even if just a little. When diagnosed with ‘cancer,’ initial reactions often include disbelief and strong anxiety. Bearing this in mind, we strive to do everything possible, not only in treating the disease but also in supporting the emotional aspects as humans. In the three years since my arrival, the number of gynecologic malignancy patients at our hospital has increased by about 2-2.5 times. I feel that we are gradually gaining the trust of local patients and doctors. I hope to contribute to the community by providing patient-centered care, utilizing my experiences from the University of Tokyo and Saitama Cancer Center.
“がん”というと“がん家系”などの言葉がありますが、実際にはがんは遺伝することが少なく、加齢とともに増えてくる病気です。しかし、最近では一部で遺伝性腫瘍、遺伝するがんが解ってきており有効な予防策・早期発見するための対策が知られるようになってきました。私達は特に遺伝する(遺伝性)卵巣がんや子宮体がんの治療に積極的に取り組んでいます。もし近くのクリニックで卵巣がん、子宮体がんと言われた方はぜひ受診をして頂ければと思います。 また、子宮頸がんについても、多くの患者さんの治療をしてきましたが、初期のごく軽度の病変で見つかれば怖くない病気です。もし検診で軽度の異常があることが解った方は十分な説明のもとで経過観察、治療の判断をさせて頂きますので是非一度ご相談ください。もちろん、浸潤子宮頸癌についても多くの手術を行っています。子宮頸癌は若い女性にも多い病気であり、手術をすべきなのか悩む、がんとは言われたが妊娠を希望している、など様々な疑問に対しきちんとした説明を行い治療を起こっています。
When we talk about ‘cancer,’ terms like ‘cancer-prone families’ come up, but in reality, cancer is not often hereditary and tends to increase with age. However, recently, hereditary tumors and cancers have been identified, and effective prevention and early detection strategies have become known. We are especially proactive in treating hereditary ovarian and endometrial cancers. If you have been diagnosed with ovarian or endometrial cancer at a nearby clinic, I urge you to visit us. Also, for cervical cancer, we have treated many patients, and it is not a scary disease if found in the early stages with minor lesions. If a screening reveals mild abnormalities, we will make a decision on observation or treatment after thorough explanation, so please feel free to consult us. Of course, we also perform many surgeries for invasive cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is common in young women, and there are various concerns, such as whether to opt for surgery or wishing to become pregnant despite the diagnosis. We provide proper explanations and proceed with treatment for these concerns.
実際の治療・手術について ~婦人科悪性腫瘍専門医・内視鏡学会技術認定医の立場から
Currently, for patients diagnosed with cancer, we aim to perform surgery within one month of the first visit, hoping to alleviate their anxiety as soon as possible. Especially, our hospital actively performs laparoscopic surgery for early-stage endometrial cancer (including hysterectomy and lymph node dissection). Although laparoscopic surgery significantly reduces physical stress, we also strive to maintain the cure rate with careful surgical techniques.
For advanced ovarian and cervical cancers where surgery is difficult, we will present treatment options (such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy) after thorough explanation. We understand that patients diagnosed with cancer are extremely anxious, but we hope to alleviate this anxiety in cooperation with a team that includes not only physicians but also certified cancer nurses and pharmacists.
助教、助手 Assistant professor